You Just Met Your New Best Friend... At a Run Club? The Rise of Run Clubs and How To Join One

One could argue that running is maybe the purest form of sport out there. All you need is shoes (and some don’t even need shoes!), and you can head out the door. You can run literally anywhere, anytime—no need to wait for the gym to be open.

Over the years, we’ve seen rises and dips in the popularity of different sports, but it’s safe to say that in the post-pandemic era, running is on the rise. In fact, we’re experiencing the largest running boom right now since the one in the late 1960s and 70s. New York Road Runners received 165,000 applications for this upcoming fall’s 2024 New York City Marathon, the second most ever behind only 2020.

During this running boom, we’re ushering in a new era of run clubs. At this point, in New York City, there’s a run club for every type of runner (and everyone can be a runner!). It makes sense, because it’s always more motivating to take on a new sporting endeavor with a buddy.

And not only do you have some extra workout motivation, but also you have a new avenue for meeting new people. In their 2023 Global Trends Report, Strava, the leading run and ride tracking and social media app, found that the number one reason people gave for exercising with others is social connection. In particular, Gen Z is 29 percent more likely than Millennials to work out with another person at least some of the time.

If you’ve never tried out a run club, are you convinced yet? If you’re still not sure you’re in, we’ll try to sell you on it some more in the next few paragraphs. Here’s why you should lace up and head to a run club, what you can expect, what you should bring, and where to find one in your city.

Why Show up to a Run Club?

1. Motivation

Having a set date and time forces you to get out the door and actually keep your running appointment. You’ll be less likely to back out, and then you’ll meet running buddies who will hopefully make you want to keep showing up. To further hold yourself accountable, if you find someone or a group of people who run your pace, you can start meeting up with them for runs outside of run club.

2. Making Friends

Your running buddies may become your actual friends, and in the age of constantly being on and in our phones, it can be really refreshing to make friends organically outside of school and work. And, who knows, you may even find love in these unexpected places. Some people are actually deleting their dating apps and swapping them for their local run clubs.

What To Bring To Run Club

1. Running Shoes

Forget what you heard about “the best running shoes.” Everyone’s feet are different, so what’s most important is that your shoes feel comfortable when you’re running in them. It is helpful to read shoe reviews before you purchase though, such as this really nice Runner’s World Shoe Guide.

If you’re looking for more one-on-one help, your local running stores have great experts you can tap when choosing your first pair of running shoes. If you’re in Austin, try Fleet Feet Austin Downtown or The Loop Running Supply Co., and if you’re in New York City, try Brooklyn Running Company or Fleet Feet Columbus Circle.

2. Comfortable Clothes

Wear whatever clothes you like to move in. Shorts, spandex, tights, tees, sports bras, and no shirt at all are all accepted. You just want to make sure whatever you’re wearing is breathable.

In the summer, you may need to add a baseball cap or sunglasses to your outfit, and in the winter, you may need a beanie, fleece-lined tights, gloves, a headband, or a running jacket. And no matter what season it is, don’t forget to wear your sunscreen!

3. Fitness Watch

Just as you would with another workout, bring a watch so you can track your distance, time, and activity. Apple Watch, Coros, Garmin, Suunto, or even just a Fitbit, it’s up to you to bring whatever fitness watch gets the job done for you. You don’t have to bring a fitness watch at all if you want to freestyle it, but if you’re a data person or looking to keep track of progress towards a running goal, a watch can be really nice to have with you.

4. Hydration

Some run clubs provide refreshments after, but if they do, it’s a perk, not usually a requirement. You might want to bring a water bottle with you to carry during or after the run if there are not any water stops along the route.

Oh, and PWR LIFT works well too. Plus it’s the perfect hold-in-your-hand size. 😉

5. A Friend!

Bring a friend. Make a new friend. We talked about it above, but there’s nothing better, especially in today’s digital world, than a real-world, nondigital, out-of-the-house connection.

6. An Open Mind

If you’re not a “running person” or a “cardio person,” give a run club a chance for at least a few meetups. Running can be particularly challenging on your body if your cardiovascular system hasn’t been pushed to its brink in a while, so if you don’t have much running experience and the run club offers a few different distance routes, pick the shortest route option and build up to a longer route if the running club is offering a few different distance routes.

Also, keep an open mind about the people. Run clubs give you an avenue to get out and talk to new people in real life, so take advantage of it.

How To Find Run Clubs in Your City

Just like with any information you gather today, you can find the coolest run clubs in your city via any of your social media apps, but especially Instagram and TikTok. A good old Google search never fails either. The Road Runners Club of America even has a great part of their website where you can search for running clubs by your location.

But probably the best way to find some new running buddies is to ask any of your existing runner friends what clubs they run with or would recommend running with. The running community is a very close-knit community, so you can trust that your runner friends will know what the run club hotspots are.

Run Clubs in Austin

We know we have a lot of PWR LIFT drinkers in Austin, so we wanted to make sure we had an extensive list of Austin run clubs for all of the runners and future runners out there itching to get on the roads with a fun new group of people. There’s a run club for every vibe here:

Austin Beer Run Club - The name says it all.

Austin Dirt Runners - They’re taking it to the trail.

Austin Front Runners - Austin’s LGBTQ+ run club!

Loop Run Club - A running store with a run club.

Monday Night Run - They run at night. On Mondays.

The Morning Jo’s - They meet at Jo’s Coffee. They get a cup of joe after.

Purple Dragon Long Run Club - They will “Run Long For Breakfast Tacos.”

Raw Running - An Under Armour-sponsored group.

Rise and Run South Austin - They have morning AND afternoon runs.

The Ship of Fools - Affiliated with ATX Runners.


Run Clubs in New York City

We’re also PWR LIFTing heavy in NYC. Plus, our runners on Team PWR LIFT tell us that NYC has the most run clubs out of any city in the world. We wouldn’t be doing our jobs if we didn’t share a couple of those many clubs with you:

As Is Run Club - Go for a run. Drink a beer after at As Is craft beer bar.

Badass Lady Gang - Come walk or run with this group of badass ladies.

Bridge Runners - Can confirm they really run over NYC bridges. Every time.

Dirty Bird Run Club - Run meetups, mobility workouts, and breathwork.

Harlem Run - This club may meet in Harlem, but its members stretch way beyond the Harlem boundaries.

Midnight Runners - Do they actually run at midnight? Join them to find out.

Orchard Street Runners - They make up crazy races on crazy routes that happen at night and other crazy stuff like that.

Run For Chinatown - Putting in the miles and inspiring their community at the same time.

Slow Girl Run Club - No boys allowed. 😎

We Run Uptown - Otherwise known as WRU Crew to all who know and love this club.


Now Get Out There

Now that you’ve heard it all, we hope you’re more inclined to go for a run with a group of people than you were before you read this article. That’s really all we were trying to accomplish here.

Let us know, wherever you are, if you end up on a cool run club that we should feature, especially if your club is drinking PWR LIFT or should be drinking PWR LIFT (tag us, and we’ll send you and your crew some product 💦). See you in the streets!

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